May 17 (2pm) School of Liberal Arts

May 17 (2pm) School of Liberal Arts

May 17 (5pm) School of Science & School of Continuing and Professional Studies

May 17 (5pm) School of Science & School of Continuing and Professional Studies

May 17 (10am) School of Liberal Arts

May 18 (2pm) O’Malley School of Business

May 18 (5pm) School of Education and Health

May 18 (5pm) School of Education and Health

May 18 (10am) O’Malley School of Business

May 19 (2pm) School of Engineering (School of Engineering (MECH)

May 19 (5pm) School of Engineering (CHML and EECE)

May 19 (10am) School of Engineering (School of Engineering (CIVIL)